Benton Zone Spring Rally Information

Date April 27th 2024


Start time 9am registration 8:45

End noon followed by salad luncheon. 

Theme: Growing in grace and knowledge through the years. 

Bible verse:2 Peter 3:18–But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen

Speaker: Rev. R. Rahn from Lutheran Heritage Foundation

Ingathering: Central Lutheran School Playrground project……monetary donations

No cost to register….register day of Rally

Benton Zone News Winter 2021

The Benton Zone is proud to install the new officers in the Benton Zone.

Installation of officers for the LWML Benton Zone. Pictured are (from L to R), Vicky Gardeman (President), Pastor David Lingard (Benton Zone pastoral counselor), Loretta Vogt (Treasurer)