Dubuque Fall Retreat Thank You

Thanks to the LWML Dubuque Zone and everyone involved with the Fall Retreat 2023 at Camp I-O-Dis-E-Ca. 

 The time was filled with God’s Word, Mission Speakers, singing praises, servant events, good food and fellowship together with super women from across Iowa East!

The weekend was spectacular and truly appreciated by all!


Dubuque Fall Rally Invitation 2023

Date: October 14, 2023
Ephesians 2:8: For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,
8:30 a.m. Registration with coffee and cinnamon rolls
Registration fee $5.00
9:00 a.m. Rally begins
Lunch will be served
Location: St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, 630 Main Street,McGregor, Iowa
Speaker: Rev. Caleb Schewe, St. John Lutheran, Monticello
Ingathering: Monetary donations to Camp Io-Dis-E-Ca

Dubuque Zone Spring Rally 2023

The Dubuque Zone Rally was held 4/22/23. We were privileged to hear Pastor David Weber preach his final sermon and give his final Bible Study after 25 years of serving in Iowa East District. Julie Sunne gave a talk on the attributes of God and we enjoyed a great lunch from the Women of Our Savior. Pastor Caleb Schewe was installed as the interim Dubuque Zone Counselor.

St Paul Dubuque Friendship Tea

Saturday, March 25, 2023 the Mission Circle at St. Paul Dubuque hosted a Friendship Tea.  Invitations were personally handed out to all the women.  The day started with a song Bible study by Misty Lutz.  She brought us back to our days in Sunday school, remembering the songs we sang and where they fit in the Bible. Next we worked on a service project for the Red Basket, which was put together by Kristie Fry, to help with those needing menstrual products. Information was given out and discussed about what LWML is and how Mission Circle is a part of this organization and the great projects it funds. We then served a wonderful meal of chicken salad croissants and salads.  

St Paul Dubuque — What Is Your 80

What’s your 80? Took donations for 80 packages (30 Count ) diapers so 2400 diapers. They are in the back of Janell’s car on the way to Clarity Clinic.

Dubuque Fall Rally Pictures

The Dubuque Zone Fall Rally was held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Guttenberg on October 8, 2022.

After a short break during which we moved to the lower level,  Deaconess Faith Swenson talked to us about “What is a Deaconess?”  Faith shared personal experiences of her work at College Hill Lutheran Church and explained some of the duties Deaconess’ have.  Some are care for the physical needs of the congregation freeing up Pastors to minister and teach, serve overseas, care for and educate women, lead groups in Bible Study and music and pray for congregations.

Lunch of hot turkey sandwiches, relish, chips and a delicious selection of bars was served by the Trinity Ladies.

The Christian Life committee then encouraged us all to attend the National Convention in Milwaukee on June 22-25, 2023 with a cute skit about what Milwaukee and the convention has to offer us.

Gloria Rattenborg invited the ladies to Our Savior in Manchester for the spring rally in April.

The credentials report

Members -25

Pastors -3

Guests -5  plus 3 children

District Offering $161.68  Ingathering $173.00

Pastor Weber installed Margaret Kistler as the new President of the Dubuque zone. Joyce Johnson was not present and will be installed at the Spring Rally.

President Kistler adjourned the meeting.

Our Savior LWML Sunday

Dubuque Fall Rally Invitation

Convention Update

Dubuque Zone Rally news

Saturday, March 26, 2022- St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Dubuque

Registration started at 8:30am with refreshments.Pastor Crawford led us in the Morning Prayer service. We moved back into the fellowship hall for our service project, tying fleece blankets for Clarity Clinic. WE then had a Bible study with Pastor Weber on “Lost and Found”

Ladies of St. Paul Dubuque and Trinity of Guttenberg performed “I am Servant” skit from LWML website. A delicious unch of soup, bread and dessert was served, zone offering was taken.

Sarah Schewe applied for the YWR for the Dubuque Zone. She is from St. John’s in Monticello, mother of four and wife to Pastor Schewe. This was approved unanimously.

Motion made by Diane Torrey and seconded by Helene Kuenpel to approve Sarah Schewe as Credential report:36 women, 2 Pastors and 2 Visitors.  40 total

Ingathering  475 diapers, 1 large box and 14 plastic bags of clothing

28 blankets finished and $171 for the Zone

Dubuque Spring 2022 Rally Invitation

Dubuque Fall 2021 Rally Review

Saturday, Oct. 16, 2021

Our Redeemers – Dubuque, IA

The day started at 8:30am with registration, coffee and pastries

We moved into the fellowship hall at 9:05am, Lou Ann Knaak started the rally, President Kreutner was out of town.

The rally began with Juanita Brissey from Our Saviors Dubuque welcoming everyone.

Pastor Cearlock and Pastor Kincaid lead us in the Matin’s service.

President Kistler gave her President report- as of 10/16/2021 $55,434 had been paid out in grants. We are half way there, keep up the good work.  Alberta Martens received her crown of glory August 12th, she was a very active LWML member.  She has left approximately $50,000 to add to the IED Student Aid Endowment Fund through her Charitable Remainder Trust.

Pastor Cearlock lead the Bible study “In Remembrance of Me”

It was noted that some long time LWML members received their Crown of Glory since last we met Delores Lindsay and Annette Reimers.

LouAnn Knaak- elected Vice-President, Janelle, elected Secretary and Pastor Dave Weber, Zone Counselor

30 women attended

3 Pastor

Ingathering for Pastor James May serving in Africa collected $275.00

General offering for Zone $144.00

New officers installed by Pastor Weber- Lou Ann Knaak and Janell Wollschlager

Lou Ann pointed out on the National Delegate account was higher this year because they could not fill the buses do to Covid and not having as many on the bus.

Jean Schulz gave a moving presentation on The Hand of the Lord is Powerful regarding an accident her and her husband were involved in and how God was with them the entire way, incorporated stones into presentation.

Joyce Johnson and Janell Wollschlager preformed skit to invite people to IED June 2022 convention.

Pictures from 2021 LMWL National Convention

Janet Smith raised $310 for Missions! Here are some pictures from the day of the walk

Fall Rally 2021

Our Redeemer Charity Guild and LWML Society has set the date of October 16, 2021 for the Fall Rally.  Look for more information by September

Our Savior Ladies Help the Community

We honored our first responders from the area. Pictured is Ed Tibbott and Val Krause who talked to our group with demos on safety. (First responder quilt not made by WOS)

Trinity Ladies Aid Makes Aprons

Trinity Ladies Aid sewed aprons and put Bible verses in the pockets to give to all ladies in church on Mother’s Day.
Ruth Payne helped with the sewing but is not in this photo.

Our Redeemer Work Day March 14, 2020

Our Redeemer Charity Guild and LWML Society had a work day.  Here are some of the pictures
Diane Torrey working on school kits
Julie Butler (left) and Elizabeth Berndt (right) tying quilts.
Lora Lakin is pinning the edge of the quilt.
Arlene Reisen (in blue) and Vickie Klinkhammer are also busy making items for Lutheran World Relief

Women of Our Savior LWML – Manchester September 2019

Twice a year the Women of Our Savior LWML make visits to our Church Family Shut Ins.  Our Christian Growth Committee prepares a devotion and snack baskets or plates to us on the visits.  The ladies go out in twos or threes to visit, do the devotion and leave the snacks with the member. The visits are about a half hour and very enjoyable by all.  The LWML then holds a regular meeting and share highlight of our visits with each other. We had six home visits in September.

6 baskets ready to go out

Dubuque Zone Fall Rally – September 14, 2019

Beautiful 2019 IED Banner
Ladies gathered