2022 Convention Banner
Ann Roach of Trinity Lutheran Church, Chariton, Iowa volunteered to create a banner to
represent the Marshalltown Zone at the Iowa East District Convention in June of 2022. The
Convention theme was, Anchored in Christ. Ann used the convention theme verse, Hebrews
6:19 “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure” as her inspiration for
the banner as well as the first verse of Hymn 583, God Has Spoken By His Prophets: “…In the
world’s despair and turmoil, One firm anchor holds us fast: God is King, His throne eternal;
God the first and God the last.” The banner was carried in the procession during the Divine
Service at the convention in Cedar Falls on June 10th. Thanks be to God for Ann’s artistic
talent and her labor to create this beautiful banner!
LWML Sunday–Grinnell
Fall Rally 2021
Trinity Lutheran Knoxville LWML
Our LWML group, 8 in attendance, met at Trinity Lutheran Church, Knoxville on April 17th and watched the Donna Snow videos from the LWML.org website on Overflowing Abundance bible study. We got through session 1 and decided to do session 2 also! They were really good. And even though they were taped last year, it was still applying to stuff we are going through today with COVID.