2025 Williamsburg Zone Spring Rally
Date: April 29, 2025
Place: Hope Lutheran Church, Sigourney
Theme: Rock and the Bible, Matthew 7:24 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.”
2024 Fall Rally Report
The Williamsburg Zone Fall Rally was held at Trinity Lutheran in Ottumwa on October 17th. Registration started at 11:30 am with a delicious soup and sandwich luncheon at noon. Pastor James Preus led us with the opening service and Bible study based on the theme which was from Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”. Pastor Stephen Preus was our speaker talking of his missionary trips to Uganda where he helped teach the seminary students. Our business meeting followed with election of vice president, Karen Kuesel, and secretary, Marna Mohr with Pastor James Preus as our pastoral counselor. Installation of officers was done by both Pastor James and Pastor Stephen. Our in gathering was a collection of money for Pastor Stephen Preus to purchase books for Uganda.
2024 Spring Rally Report
Williamsburg Zone designated gas gift cards as their Spring Event ingathering. The thirty women who attended gave $740 in cash or gas cards to be taken to the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics for families of long-term patients.
The gas cards were accompanied by cards printed from artwork provided by Visual Faith Ministries and a note from “Lutheran Women in Mission in Iowa County.”
St. John’s Homestead chose the theme “Joy in our Journey”. Rev. James Prues enlightened us on Nehemiah 8:10 which reminds us that the Joy of the Lord is our strength.

2022 Williamsburg YWR Review
When I was asked if I would want to attend the June 2022 LWML Convention held in Cedar Falls I was more than privileged to say YES! As the Years have passed I have always listened to my Grandma Darleene Read (Weiss) talk about her experiences. Unfortunately I was unable to be there with her present, but as soon as I walked through the doors there was an amazing display showing she was still there along with many other Ladies who are with our Lord.
I knew the basics of what LWML was about, but attending the convention I have now learned full detail of what actually takes place. Friday when I walked through those doors scared and thinking I will be sitting in the back corner somewhere observing what these ladies were up to, I was wrong!
The theme was “Anchored in Christ” Hebrews 6:19. Clearly the Lord has these women Anchored for sure. This was a full house! The atmosphere was full of smiles, hugs, happiness and clearly a reunion.
I was directed to go check in, collect my name tag and get to work. When I checked in I was confused when they couldn’t find my name tag. Then from behind me I heard a woman say look in with the YWR’s. Clearly I was confused. This is when I met Martha. She explained that I will be considered a Young Women’s Representative at the LWML convention. This is something most LWML women did not get the chance to do because they have joined at later times in their lives. (We have the pin most women will not! Talk about feeling special already)
As the day had started I participated in tying fleece blankets while conversing with ladies from my church and others. In the adjoined room other ladies were making homemade cards and crosses that are sent out to comfort those in need. Soon after that I was joined with five other gals around my age in a conference room. This is where the learning took place.
When we were in the conference room we were definitely spoiled and given many treats. Packets were passed out and we began to go through the outline of what was taking place at this conference and what the ladies were up to. They were not there just for fun, but to make some very tough decisions.
There were church services held, voting for missions, voting for their new elected positions, a room that had merchandise for LWML along with many great representatives of places to donate to.
Example: Camp I-O-Dis-E-Ca, Concordia College, Thrivent, and many others.
When most think of missions they think of people out of this country to help. Not always is that the case. Most missions are within the United States and can be anything from grant money to college kids, to churches, to new technology in Lutheran Schools.
Overall these things did not take just a few hours. There were 2 days directed towards worship, decisions, and electing. Which all I could see were done whole heartedly and with pride. This is what I want to be a member of!
Thank you for the opportunity and experience!
Hilary Weiss
St. John’s Lutheran Victor, Iowa