2025 Westgate Zone Rally Information
Date: March 29, 2025
Place: St John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Fairbank
Hosting: Dorcas Society of St. John Fairbank and Concordia Ladies Aid Society from Grace, Jesup
2025 Grief Workshop
Date: Saturday April 26, 2025
Place: St. John’s Lutheran Church, Waverly
Time: Registration begins at 8:30 am, Meeting begins at 9:00 am – 11:30All are invited and welcome to attend. Free will offerings will be collected.
For more information, contact chairperson, Elloha Quigley – phone or text to 319-415-5587
2024 Westgate Fall Rally Report
The Westgate Zone Fall Rally 2024 with the theme of “Life” was held at St John-Waverly on Saturday, September 28 starting at 8:30 AM. Hostesses were ladies from St Paul-Artesian and St John-Waverly. A continental breakfast was served.
The morning began with a Matins service in the church by Rev. Jon Ellingworth. Then the attendees moved to the Fellowship area where LWML Westgate Zone Pastoral Counselor, Rev. Tanner Post led a study of the hymn “Take My Life and Let It Be“, LSB #783.
The first speaker was Stacey Armbrecht, our Zone YWR at the district convention in June. The second speaker was Elloha Quigly, representing the Westgate Zone Grief Support Committee. Vera Hoins also was a speaker and shared about opportunities to visit the Creation Museum.
The meeting was called to order by Vice President, Carol Lau – President Pro Tem for Deaconess Faith Swenson.
Election results – Zone President: Barbara Forsyth, from Immanuel-Klinger and reelected Zone Treasurer: Nancy Maurer, from Peace-Oelwein.
Rev. Post installed the officers and led the closing.
Ingathering to Orphan Grain Train – $448 cash, 3 boxes of clothing, and many school kit items were collected.
Tellers report: Westgate Zone offering: $216 ; Mite offering: $227; Orphan Grain Train: $448. LWML members: 28; Pastors: 4; Guests 2; children: 10; Total: 44 attendees.
The Spring Rally is planned on March 29, 2025, at St John-Fairbank. The ladies of St John-Fairbank and Grace-Jesup are the hostesses.
2025 LWML Westgate Zone Elected Officers:
Barbara Forsyth, President
Carol Lau, Vice President
Brenda Boyce, Secretary
Nancy Maurer, Treasurer

2023 Westgate Zone Fall Rally Report
the Commons at Immanuel-Klinger on Saturday morning, September 23. A continental breakfast was served.
Theme – LCMS U and campus ministry at area college and university.
Theme Bible verse – “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word” Psalm 119:9 NIV.
Rev. Miguel Gonzales-Felicino, host Pastor, opened with devotion and prayer.
Speakers were – Rev. Jon Ellingworth from St John-Waverly – about Wartburg- Walther League and Rev. Kent Peck from St Peter-Westgate & Grace-Fayette about Upper Iowa ministry. They presented to us the need and importance of LCMS presence on college campus for students. They shared what exciting things which are occurring at their respective schools along with getting the young people involved. This is an important and rewarding outreach each minister does for their area communities. We are thankful for their service of God’s work in our Zone! They both requested prayers for the young lives that are growing in the gospel.
Gifts from the Heart in-gathering, monetary offering, was divided equally for the campus ministries of our speakers.
The meeting was called to order by Zone President Deaconess Faith Swenson. Election and installation of officers was held with Brenda Boyce, Secretary and Carol Lau, VP remaining in office.
A skit was performed by the Christian Life Committee of our Zone along with a skit performed by the IED convention co chairs (Westgate and Williamsburg Zones) with information about the 2024 Convention next June. Save the date: June 21 and 22 at Radisson-Cedar Rapids.
Carol Lau, our Zone Delegate at the National Convention gave a report about the convention. She also mentioned as Zone VP she is working on our zone history photo books.
Liz Roberts, representing Iowa East, read a letter from District President Martha Hartwig.
Elloha Quigley gave an update on progress in establishing a zone Grief Support group.
Linda Jeske displayed some of the zone banner for next year IED convention.
In relation to the Pillowcase Sewing Project servant event for patients at University of Iowa children and adults patients- which is currently happening in the Westgate Zone – Becky Wehrspann brought along to show us the pilllowcase her daughter Marta was given while a patient at the University of Iowa hospital ( Marta, 8 yrs old, experienced a serious,nearly 60 feet, fall at an Iowa Park in May 2017. She had extensive hospitalizations at U of Ia Stead Children’s Hospital and a lengthy rehab. She is now a freshman in high school and busy with all types of school and family activities, in fact she just got her drivers permit. AND she still uses the pillowcase from U of IA. Thanks be to God for her recovery and the prayers given for her and her family).
The Westgate Zone Spring Rally 2024 will be hosted by the women of St Paul and St John Sumner on Saturday, April 6. More details will be coming.
Closing prayer was given by Rev John Block, our zone Pastoral Counselor. Teller’s Report – 44 Lutheran women, 6 pastors, 3 guests and 4 children. Registration money was entirely donated to His Hands Food Pantry in Oran. There were also monetary offerings for Mites and another for Westgate Zone.

Immanuel-Klinger Church 2022 – Ladies Aid Society commemorates 90 years
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Acknowledging the need for a women’s organization to be involved within the church, community and abroad, on October 12,1932 a meeting was held in the sacristy to form a Ladies Aid Society. A constitution was written and read by Pastor L Yockey. There were eleven charter members.
In 1943, the society became affiliated with the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML)
The October 2022 meeting was a celebration of thanks to God for His continued blessings. A program filled with memories was led by Mary Zimmermann (former member and wife of Rev Bruce Zimmerman at Immanuel 1974-1992.
As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.
The photo below was taken at the LWML Christmas Party 2022 by Nicole Barnes.

2022 Fall Rally Report
The Westgate Zone Fall Rally “Sing to the Lord ” was held Saturday morning, October 15, 2022 at St John’s church in Fairbank. The women of St John’s and Grace-Jesup hosted the zone with food and fellowship in the basement before heading into the sanctuary for the meeting and hymn sing. “What’s Your 80?” was celebrated by singing “80” verses from Lutheran Service Book. President Deaconess Faith Swenson led the meeting between hymns. The pastors in attendance sang the first verse of “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”, LSB #656. Pastor Jacob Swenson and Pastor John Block each led a hymn study between hymns. The Christian Life Committee gave a hymn quiz “How well do you know your hymns?” Election of zone officers and installation was held. President Deaconess Faith is returning for another term and Nancy Maurer is newly elected Treasurer. Sincere thanks to Vera Hoins for serving as treasurer the past 6 years! The Ingathering went to Orphan Grain Train in Clemons. 38 people were in attendance.
The Zone Spring Rally 2023 will be Saturday, April 22 hosted by Peace-Oelwein and Our Redeemer-Independence. More details will be coming.

2021 New Zone President
We are happy & delighted to let you know the Westgate Zone has a new zone president, Faith Swenson!!!!!!
Our new president is…(drum role)……
Faith Swenson (Jacob)
206 N 4th St PO Box 471
Fairbank, IA 50629
218-329-8515 (call or text works!)
Faith’s Email address is: Deaconess.Swenson@gmail.com
Westgate Zone Fall Rally

(Treasurer of our Society) and “The Mite Box”,
Darla Fagenbaum (Secretary of our Society). In
the background is the Westgate Zone
