Date: March 8, 2025
Place: St. John’s Lutheran Church, Reinbeck
Theme: Acts – Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication

Invite for event

The Waterloo Zone Prayer Service was held on Saturday March 13 at St. John Lutheran Church in Reinbeck hosted by the Dorcas Society. Pastor Kevin Richter of St John, Reinbeck lead the service.   The  theme was Praying WITH others.  20 LWMLler’s , 2 pastors and one vicar attended.  We were also honored to have 4 LWMLer’s from the Marshalltown Zone join us for the morning.   Due to Covid 19 a brunch was not served but the ladies of Dorcas ladies gave everyone attending a little take home goodie bag. You may view the service by going to St John Reinbeck Worship and click on Saturday March 13 LWML Prayer Service.

Those who attended the Prayer Service.

Pictured are the 2020  Graduates of Valley Lutheran School in Cedar Falls with their Fleece Tie blankets made by members of the Waterloo Zone LWML.  The blankets were given to the graduates on their Graduation Day on June 20, 2020.  The Waterloo Zone has been making Fleece Tie Blankets for the  Valley Lutheran Graduates for the last 6 years.  The ladies enjoy getting together and working on this project.  During the Covid-19 we were not able to gather to work on them like we normally do but by the Grace of God we were able to complete all 11 blankets in time for their graduation.