2025 St. Ansgar Spring Rally
Date: April 26, 2025
Place: St. Peter Lutheran Church, Elma
Time: There will be a light breakfast along with registration beginning at 8:15 AM. Opening devotions are scheduled at 9:00 AM.
Theme: “Great is Your Faithfulness” based on Galatians 5:22
Speaker: Ronda Anderson, Parish Nurse, from Bethany Lutheran Church in Cedar Rapids.
The Ingathering for Orphan Grain Train will include men’s, women’s, and children’s underwear or socks. Cash for transportation of items is always a need. Plus, societies will be bringing quilts, kits, clothing and other items that they have been collecting for OGT.
2024 St Ansgar Fall Rally Report
The St, Ansgar Zone Fall Event was held on October 5, 2024, at Redeemer Lutheran Church,
Ventura. They served a lovely breakfast followed with Opening Devotions by Pastor Jesse
Burns. The offering was $393.00. There were 27 members, 3 pastors and 2 guests in
attendance. A trailer was loaded with 315 quilts, 189 School Kits, 340 Pillowcase Dresses, 112
Hygiene Kits, 56 Health Kits, 86 Teacher Kits plus many boxes/bags of clothing, blankets,
afghans and miscellaneous items.
The speaker was John Morgan, director of the Clear Lake/Ventura Food Pantry. A “love” offering
of $335.00 plus items for the Food Pantry were collected. Cindy Kofoot, Immanual, St. Ansgar,
was elected as Vice President and Robin Miller, Bethlehem, Mason City, was elected Treasurer.
A delegate and an alternate to the LWML Convention in June were elected. Various reports and
informational sheets were printed and available in the packet.
Zone Pastoral Counselor Pastor Matthias Wollberg led the group in Bible Study. He also led the
Blessing of the Ingathering and offered the closing prayer.
2024 St Ansgar Spring Rally Report
The St. Ansgar Zone held its Spring Event on April 13 at Bethlehem, Mason City. Pastor Sean Smith led opening devotions. The Theme was “All Good Things, All Good Food: God the Source of All Good Nutrition” based on Genesis 9:37. Our Zone Counselor, Pastor Matthew Wollberg, led a bible study around our theme. Dietitian Ann Scott emphasized that all good things including nutrition for our healthy bodies comes from God. Christian Life Committee shared Mustard Seeds, a printed devotion and a take home goodie bag to take home. LWML IED President Martha Hartwig was in attendance and shared the awesome news that 2022-2024 Mite Goal had been met. Attendance included 34 LWML members, 2 guests and 4 Pastors. Our offering totaled $475.00. Gifts from the heart consisted of $100 plus 380 items donated to Hawkeye Harvest Food Bank and $100 for Orphan Grain Train. In addition, a pickup and trailer were fully loaded with boxes from the zone societies that will be delivered to Orphan Grain Train.
2023 St Ansgar Fall Rally Report
The St. Ansgar Zone held it’s Fall Event on October 14 at Trinity, Osage. Vacancy Pastor Bryon Northwick had opening devotions. The Theme was “Serving Jesus” Matthew 25:40b Our Zone Counselor, Pastor Matthew Wollberg led a bible study around our theme. We assembled hygiene kits for Orphan Grain Train instead of a speaker and that was our ingathering also. 126 kits were assembled, plus several miscellaneous items were sent along with our trailer full of quilts and other supplies for them. Jan Kruger and Anna Mae Roehtler of the Christian Life Committee presented the skit “An American Women and an African Woman”. Betty Borchardt was elected the new president and Anna Mae Roethler Vice-President. Secretary, Norma Brunner was reelected and Denise Gerdts will be the new Christian Life member. Attendance was 33 LWML members and 2 Pastors. Our offering totaled $357.00.
2022 Fall Rally Report
The St. Ansgar Zone Fall Rally was held on Saturday October 8 at Immanuel St. Ansgar. Pastor Squire had opening devotions. Our Zone counselor, Pastor Matthias Wollberg led us in a bible study entitled “The Chrisian Way of Hope”.
The Christian Life Committee of Denise Gerdts, Jan Kruger and Anna Mae Roethler presented the upcoming convention skit “Meet me in Milwaukee”. Betty Borchardt was elected our new Vice-President and Arla Murray-Juhl was elected to continue as our treasurer. Dianne Joens will be the new Christian Life committee member. We did not have a speaker but our ingathering was school kit items for Orphan Grain Train and we assembled 97 kits. This was the zone 80 challenge, also. We also gathered a pickup and trailer of items for the Orphan Grain Train. We had 32 members, 1 guest and 2 Pastor’s present. Our offering was $338.00.

2022 Spring Rally Report
The St. Ansgar Zone Spring Rally was held on Saturday April 2 at Redeemer, Ventura. Pastor Jesse Burns had opening devotions. Our Zone counselor, Pastor Matthias Wollberg led us in bible study on the Lenten hymn “A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth”. The Christian Life Committee of Denise Gerdts and Jan Kruger presented a skit entitled “A Time for Beauty”. Anna Mae Roethler is also a member of that committee. Our speaker was Pastor Jesse Burns who spoke on the St. Philip Lutheran Mission Society of South Africa. It supports seminary students and he visited that seminary when he himself was a seminary student in Fort Wayne. Our convention banner was on display. Anna Mae Roethler and Dianne Joens had constructed for us. Our ingathering was for the preschool and daycare of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Ventura. We gathered a trailer and pickup of items for the Orphan Grain Train. We had 28 members, 2 Pastors and 1 guest attending. Our offering was $315.00. It was a snowy morning so I was blessed to have so many members make the trip.
2021 Fall Rally Report
The St. Ansgar Zone held it’s Fall Rally on October 9 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Mason City, Vacancy Pastor Jesse Burns had opening devotions. The Theme was “Train up a Child in the Way He Should Go” Proverbs 22:6. Our Zone Counselor, Pastor Korth led us in a Bible study using Bible verses around our theme. Our guest speaker was Linette Heimbuch, Director of their Sunbeam Christian Preschool & Childcare of Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Our ingathering was for them. Jan Kruger and Denise Gerdts of the Christian Life Committee presented the skit “Cruising to the LWML Convention next June in Cedar Falls”. The Orphan Grain Trailer was filled again. Election results; President, Darlene Bodermann and Secretary, Norma Brunner. Anna Mae Roethler was approved to serve on the Christian Life Committee for the 2021-2024 term. Attendance was 33 LWML members, 5 guests and 3 pastors. Our offering totaled $385.00. Bethlehem sent us home with a lovely sack lunch.
2021 LWML Sunday
We honored 3 ladies on LWML Sunday. St. Peter, Elma LWML had a brunch after church to honor our 3 60+year LWML members. L. to R. are Irma Jensen, Beverly Flugge and Charlotte Platte.

2021 Spring Rally Report
The St. Ansgar Zone held its Spring Rally on April 17 at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Elma. Pastor Korth had opening devotions. Our Zone counselor, Pastor Korth led us in bible study on Hebrews 12: 1-17. The Christian Life Committee of Pat Heddens, Denise Gerdts and Jan Kruger presented the skit “The Storms of Life”. Our speaker was Rev. Keith Haney from Iowa West District Mission Outreach. His speech he entitled “Culture in America Today”. Our ingathering was for the Riceville Food Bank. We gathered money and several boxes of items for them. The Orphan Train trailer was filled and the back of a pick-up truck. We had 26 members, 2 pastors and 6 guests. Our offering was $349.00.

2020 Fall Rally Report
he St. Ansgar held it’s Fall Rally on Saturday, Oct. 10 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Osage. Pastor Kaltwaser had opening devotions. Our Zone counselor, Pastor Korth led us in bible study. The Christian Life Committee of Karen Peters. Pat Heddens and Denise Gerdts presented the Lexington Convention sketch “Running the Race”. Our speaker was Rev. John Wegener with UNI Campus Ministry and student Amanda. Our ingathering was for the campus ministries at College Hill. We elected Mary Rosendahl as the new Vice-President and Arla .Murray-Juhl as the new Treasurer. We gathered a trailer of items for the Orphan Grain Train. We had 28 members, 2 Pastors’ and 3 Guests attending Our offering was $321.00.