2025 Eldora Zone Spring Rally
Date: May 10, 2025
Place: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Latimer
Theme: Lutheran Education based on Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way to go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Speakers: Cody Collier, principal of St. Paul’s Lutheran School and Pastor Peter Wagner. St. Paul’s Lutheran School will celebrate 100 years in August.
2024 Fall Rally Report
Our Fall Rally was held at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Iowa Falls on Page 9 of 16 – 11/9/24 Oct. 5. The theme was Harvest of Blessings based on Galatians 6:9-10. The speaker was Davey Doering from the Lighthouse of Hope in Iowa Falls. She spoke about all the activities that they do for young single women having babies. Besides providing clothing, diapers, wipes, and toys, they provide social and Christian support. The Ingathering of $407 was for the Lighthouse of Hope.
2024 Eldora Zone Fun Night Report
On July 24th, 2024, the Eldora Zone hosted a Fun Night for the Zone’s LWML ladies at St. John Lutheran Church in Hubbard.. Our speaker was a faculty and dorm counselor for St. Paul Lutheran Boarding High School in Concordia, Missouri. We played a rousing game of Family Feud ,LWML style. Then we did a short servant activity for the dorm students at St. Paul Lutheran High School.

2023 Eldora Zone Fun Night Report
On July 12 St. John’s Lutheran Church in Hubbard and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Eldora hosted a fun Eldora Zone event at Hubbard that was attended by 30 ladies. Clarissa Spiehs, a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran church in Eldora and one of the Young Women Reps at the Milwaukee Convention told about her duties and experiences at the Convention. After her presentation, Clarissa showed everyone how to correctly roll underwear that goes into the Orphan Grain Train hygiene kits. She and the ladies from the Eldora Zone had learned how to do that at the Convention. They rolled 286 pairs of underwear that night and donated 72 bars of soap, 88 washcloths, and over 300 pairs of underwear! . The Zone hopes to complete 80 kits by October.