Date: March 29, 2025
Place: Trinity Lutheran Church, Davenport
Time: Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., Event begins at 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Trinity Lutheran Church began a Mission Kids group last year to learn about missions and how they can help. They have been invited to various LWML activities and have been involved with their moms. 

On September 4, Tirzah Krey from the Dominican Republic came to visit the school.  During lunch she met with the Kids for lunch to talk to them about being a missionary.  They also made cards for Tirzah to take to the missionaries she works with in the Dominican Republic.  She met that evening with a presentation about her work in the Dominican Republic.  

The LWML Davenport Zone Spring Rally was held at Immanuel Lutheran on Saturday, March 23, 2024. Pastor Ferch, Immanuel, and Pastor Hoft, Park View, both spoke on the Rally Bible verse John 10:10b.

During the Servant Events, baby fleece blankets and quilts were tied, 12 diaper bags filled, and Ingathering baby items were sorted and packed. All items were delivered to Pregnancy Resources and the Women’s Choice Center. 

  • Attendance:  37 ladies, 3 pastors.
  • Mites collected $179.86, Zone funds $186.00, Ingathering dollars $150.00. 
  • There was a total of 1691 Ingathering items donated, included in that number was: 1095 diapers, 97 onesies, 62 receiving blankets/quilts, 103 pairs of socks, 55 packs of diaper wipes, and many other needed baby items.
  • A motion was made and passed to donate an additional $500.00 to the IED Mite Fund, to support IED grants and scholarships.

On June 28, 2023, Immanuel’s Mission Club hosted guest speaker Aletha Voges, a pastor’s wife and Christian author, who spoke on “Plant a Seed – Tell the Next Generation”. A light luncheon followed.

Trinity Lutheran School, Davenport, fifth graders tied 10 fleece blankets for Phil’s Friends for their World Changer Project this May. LWML ladies, Elizabeth Golter and Kay Berry helped and will be taking the blankets to the LWML National Convention in June.

Trinity Davenport had their annual Blanket Bash for the congregation.  Anyone who wanted to tie fleece was invited and encouraged to participate at home and/or church.  Here are a few of the pictures.

Davenport Zone Rally was a Mother-Daughter Tea at Trinity in Davenport on Sunday, 5-1-2022, from 2-4.  81 young and younger were included with photo booth, scavenger hunt, mission presentation, Tea Towel devotion, cupcakes and tea/lemonade.  Offerings went to LCMS Ukraine and Orphan Grain Train. Good time was had by all.

Trinity Davenport recently held a Blanket Bash. Below is a picture of Kay Berry with her granddaughter. Each grandma was to bring a grandma date

Tie Quilts for Orphan Grain Train

The women of Immanuel Davenport’s Mission Club gathered to tie quilts. The finished quilts will be blessed on LWML Sunday, October 3, 2021, and then be taken to Orphan Grain Train in Clemons, IA, along with some backpacks filled with school supplies.

The eggs have the names of the society church on them.

This is a great promo for LWML–fast forward to 7 minute mark

            Free Will offering