Place: Trinity Lutheran Church, Lowden

Mary Martha Circle at Immanuel, Grand Mound hosted the Clinton Zone Fall Gathering on Oct. 5. Pastor Tim Bickel from POBLO was our speaker and Bible study leader. The leftover breakfast items were put out after Divine Worship on Sunday to collect extra money for mites! We raised $80 for mites with the treats!

The Clinton Zone held its fall gathering on September 24 at Immanuel, Charlotte.  Pastor Dodgers from Immanuel led the Bible study “Baptized into the Death and Resurrection of Christ” and incorporated photos and information from his honeymoon trip to Greece in the fall of 2021, where they followed the footsteps of Paul.

21 LWML members were present, and $249.00 was collected for our offering, of which half goes to district mites.  President Martha Hartwig was present to give her district report.  Patti Christensen was elected new zone president and Sheryl Zinda was elected vice president. The Spring gathering will be April 15, 2023 at St. John, Clinton.

The Mary Martha Circle at Immanuel, Grand Mound, recently held a collection of school supplies for the teachers in the congregation. Many people of Immanuel contributed needed supplies and money so we could support our teachers.

The executive board of the Clinton Zone will have their fall 2020 meeting on Friday September 25 at 9:00 a.m. in the youth building at Immanuel, Grand Mound.
There will be NO fall rally this year, so please make sure each congregation/society is represented so zone business can still be conducted.
Please have a mask with you, and there is plenty of room for social distancing.

This banner was made by Joan Ross of St. John, Clinton.