Date: April 12, 2025
Place: Trinity Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids
Time: Registration begins at 8:30 a.m.

The Cedar Rapids Zone Fall Event was held at King of Kings on October 5, 2024. The Welcome was given by Norma Swift and the response was given by Sandy Poock, Trinity, who invited us to the Spring Event on April 12, 2025. Brunch was served by members of King of Kings. Rev. Hartwig led the Bible study based on the theme and verse for today; “Serve with the strength God provides” based on 1 Peter 4:11. We were never meant to fight battles by ourself but In the faith, by grace, in God’s strength, against evil, to serve and to speak all the time. King of Kings Disaster Response Director Jason Koepnick and his son Dylan spoke about the team’s disaster response efforts since they received their trailer as a result of an LWML grant. Their trailer was displayed at the Mobile, Alabama LWML convention in 2019. Members of the team completed LERT (Lutheran Emergency Response Team) training in February 2019. So far, the team has responded to twenty-two (22) disasters in nine states and have been on twenty (20) mission trips. They were chosen at last summer’s IED convention to receive an LWML IED grant for $7500. 57 LWML members, 3 guests, and 2 pastors attended the meeting. The ingathering was for MMOC and included Diapers, wipes, children’s books and other items. $96 was collected for this organization. Rev. Hartwig installed Ginny Boyer, president and Janice Johnston, secretary followed by a prayer and blessing. Currently we are looking forward to the Omaha Convention in June, 2025 and working with the Benton Zone planning the 2026 IED convention

Joy is a golden retriever who is currently in training to be a comfort dog as an outreach ministry through Bethany Lutheran Church, Cedar Rapids. Comfort dogs provide opportunities to share Christ’s joy, peace, and support in many difficult and challenging situations.  Although Joy is still in training, she has already visited some shut-in church members, greeted the congregation before or after senior worship services, attended Bible studies, and visited at Vacation Bible School.  In the future we pray that Joy may be able to visit people in schools, nursing homes, hospitals, funeral visitations, or at court proceedings – really anywhere that comfort is needed.  It is exciting to see where God will lead this ministry!

Follow Joy on Facebook at Joy the Comfort Dog or on Instagram at @joy_thecomfortdog