LWML Iowa East District Mission Grants Status

Goal: $105,000 for the 2020-2022 Biennium

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Download the current LWML Mission Grant log:

LWML IED Mission Grants 2020-2022 BienniumAmountAmount DispersedBalance to Pay
Concordia Undergraduate Student Aid$15,000$15,000$0
Concordia Seminary Student Aid$10,000$5,000$5,000
Concordia Deacon/Deaconess Graduate Student Aid$5,000$5,000$0
Continuing Pastoral Education for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Liberia, West Africa (partially funded)$2,184$2,184$0
Financial Aid for Seminary Students in South Africa (partially funded)$2,184$2,184$0
Community Lutheran School Bathroom, Readlyn, Iowa$5,000$5,000$0
Trinity Lutheran Student Scholarship Program, Cedar Rapids, Iowa$5,000$5,000$0
Voice of Care: Equipping Iowa District East for Disability Ministry and Respite Care$8,596$0$8,596
Orphan Grain Train, Central Iowa Branch, Clemons, Iowa$10,000$10,000$0
Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch: Nutrition Center Transformation$7,036$7,036$0
Lutheran Braille Workers: Bringing Christ’s Light to Those Living in Darkness$10,000$10,000$0
Lutheran Family Service: Choose Life, Change Lives: Furthering Pregnancy Counseling & Adoption Services$12,000$12,000$0
Mission Central: At Just the Right Time$10,000$10,000$0
LCMS Missions: Worker Wellness for Chaplain Families$3,000$0$3,000


